GCS Membership

There are 3 kinds Membership to join our Community. 
All Members must hold a connection to Scotland.

Libertus Membership. These members will receive the Goddess Temple Alba Newsletter if they subscribe to it however they are not entitled to vote in elections, or get discounts for GTA Events Etc.

Supporting Membership. 

Formal Members who support the Goddess Community Scotland with an Annual Donation of 13 GBP or Regular Donations. Supporting Members are entitled to vote and apply to become Shrine Keepers and are given member's discounts and Priority access to our Events. Also Free Access to 1 Online or Face to Face Workshop per year. 

You can also be a supporting member by joining our new community in Substack. We are going to be sharing a lot of cool stuff there. You can join a subscribe to our Newsletter there but also if you like do a voluntary donation. The link is here https://goddesscommunityscotland.substack.com/

Youth Membership. To apply for this Membership the person must be over fifteen, and must live in a household with a parent or guardian who is a member of the Goddess Temple Alba or that have formally approve their application. Youth members must consider themselves to be Pagan. 

You can request an application to: goddesscommunityscotland@gmail.com

Or Fill the Form Online here ----->  https://eepurl.com/hwAqDb

IMPORTANT: To all Applying Member, Fill the Form for your Membership.

Choose how you wish to join in the Membership Categories within your Application. 

Your application will be reviewed and if Accepted you will remain on register. 

You can also collaborate with sporadic Donations if you do not want To be a Member and make your Donation using our Paypal Donation Button

People who make a donation in this way will be placed at our altar with a candle and a prayer in gratitude for their help.

Goddess Community Scotland.
All rights reserved 2020
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