We are Priestesses!


We are Priestesses, we have not disappeared, we are being reborn from the ashes of our millenary predecessors. We are digging up an ancient path for the future generations to find, to see it as clear as the sun and the moon itself, the stars, so that no one can take away our gods or tell us that we cannot connect with them.

It is the ancient gods who have called us to their service, they have awakened us so that we could bring them into this world of chaos and disconnection to the sacredness in which we live. The ancient gods never left us, the patriarchy and the monotheistic religions disconnected us from them and tried to make us forget them.

The priestess's path is beautiful, full of magic, of sacredness. It is a path of lots of work, to rebuild connections, to take off our modern shoes and put on the invisible sandals that lead us to the temples of the ether and the abode of the gods. The invisible sandals that will allow you to walk on the old roads to bring to our time the ancient goddesses and gods.

Ness Bosch.
The Invisible Sandals.
(Book in preparation) 

Goddess Community Scotland.
All rights reserved 2020
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