Priest of the Gods


And the unexpected came...

 What she thought was only reserved for the Gods she served. As a Priestess, she had long accepted her almost exclusive service to the people and her Gods, relegating her humanity and needs to the background. It is true that she loved to a certain extent and allowed herself to be loved, but always from her position as a Priestess, never completely surrendered to the one who visited her bedroom or enjoyed her favors, only allowing her lover to touch the surface of the abyss of her soul. 

Because She could not do it, because her surrender was to the Gods, nor even her body belonged to her, she had been raised for the Gods, since she was just a girl, she was tied to the Temple from the same day she was born. She gave as a human everything she could give to another human or so she thought. The gods themselves who orchestrated the change. It could not have been otherwise. 

The months of preparations for the Festival, the long journey and Procession, the arrival and the preparations in the Temple, all disappeared from her mind the moment he took her hand and kissed it. Everything, the headaches and the comings and goings of the servants, the formal discussions, never in private of course, about the joint preparations. Before that gesture, she would have even wanted to be able to get rid of him, to cast some enchantment on him for arrogant. 

No one had ever dared to contradict her and almost certainly almost cursed him, consumed by the fire of her anger. All that before that kiss and his gaze. That look of fire and ice at the same time. The foreign Priest ordered his servants to accompany him to his chambers, He wished her good morning and left her, engulfed in a cloud of confusion but strangely calm. That was the beginning of the end of the world that she knew. The rest of her reality would crumble that same night, while surrendering to that same priest she had call vain, who, hidden by the shadows of the sunset, entered her chambers seeking her embrace and warmth.

Excerpt from the Book in preparation
"The Invisible Sandals" By Ness Bosch.  

Goddess Community Scotland.
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