Imbolc Song


Awaiting the birth of the spring
Goddess is in bloom
the seed of the God germinates her womb
nourishing the fruits of her love.

The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!
The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!
The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!

The blessing of rain shall soften the ground
that embraces the promise of life
and giving thanks we manifest
the abundant harvest of light.

The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!
The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!
The golden circle of fire awakens the Earth desire!
(Repeat song 3 times)

We weaved this song in the Imbolc Moot the 1st of Feb in Glasgow. between all the lovely people that attendent. Thank you! 

Goddess Community Scotland.
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