Visions of Magick Online SPF Conference 2020 and Magazine


As Head of the Scota Goddess Temple in Scotland, Ness accepted the Scottish Pagan Federation's call for help to hold their Online Visions of Magick 2020 Conference Online, as they were forced to cancel the event in Edinburgh due to the health crisis we are experiencing this year and they knew she had the experience from previous years and conferences.

 It took long hours of hard work but everybody enjoyed the conference so far and it was quite a success! 

Visit the Scottish Pagan Federation channel to find all conferences! 

As coordinator and editor of the event, I decided that I wanted a Digital Publication to complement the talks, a way to enrich the conference and the experience of the participants.  

Visions of Magick Magazine has been downloaded by THOUSANDS of people to this day! Im personally very proud of it as the Editor. Incredible Yuri Marinov did wonders with the Layout of the Magazine. 


Find the Link to read it Online below.

Or Click on the Image to Download in your Device

Goddess Community Scotland.
All rights reserved 2020
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