The Goddess Community Scotland

The Gods set the way for you. This Community has been raised because we have followed the call and desire of the Goddess Cailleach. 


Garry Jeffrey

Click here and start typing. Ad minima veniam quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam nisi.

Louise Galloway

Click here and start typing. Illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur at vero eos et accusamus et.

Ness Bosch

Click here and start typing. Ea commodi consequatur quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit.

Emily Obree

Click here and start typing. Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam.


Ness Bosch

Priestess and Shamaness

"I follow the Way of the Gods, of the Earth, of the Waters... I am a Liminal Being, an Alchemist of Realities, a Weaver of the Sacred..."

Rev. Ness Bosch is a Hierophant Priestess, founder of the Goddess Temple Alba.

She is also the founder of Water Temple and the Covenant of Waters from which she guides people into the Water Mysteries and the Sea Priesthood. 

She is also a Priestess of Hathor and Sekhmet within the FOI and runs The House of Love and Thunder: Iseum of the Power of the Heart and co-runs The Temple of Hathor. She created The Priesthood of Hathor ® a training for those who feel the call to the Goddess. Ness is also Archdruidess, member of the Clan of Dana in the FOI and runs the Grove of The Bone Mother.

Ness is also a Shamaness, founder of The Path of the Bones, she travels with her teaching internationally. 

She has Organized 3 major International Online Congresses: The International Congress of Witchcraft and Magic and the FOI Symposium. The latest the Scottish Pagan Federation Online conference 2020, Visions of Magick. 

In 2011 she fought a Large Tumor, winning that battle and developed great insight from the experience. 

She moved to Scotland under the guidance of her Gods with her Children. 

Goddess Community Scotland.
All rights reserved 2020
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