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Our has its own Devotional Calendar through which each month we work with different Gods along the year, all of them present in Scotland since ancient times or that arrived to Alba from other places with people that were devoted to them and brought their devotion to this land.

These deities have not been chosen by chance, since each of them manifested in the research work that was carried out.

Scotland is a land where many people and tribes came into communion. People who brought their Gods as we said, this is why some of those deities had to be represented in this calendar as well, apart from local deities.

The Devotional Calendar is a way to capture the multicultural richness of this country that today continues to be a melting pot of cultures and people who are attracted precisely by that friendly energy that invites you to discover Scotland, wherever you come from. Today we can find many more Gods that have come here, as others came in ancient times. 

We invite you to join our devotional work. Also to explore our Map of the Shrines of the Goddess Temple Alba down this page.

Cailleach Basil Blake
Cailleach Basil Blake

Although there are other deities you have to start somewhere. We are working on to expand the devotional calendar and on the our map of the shrines. In the meantime you can start working with the following gods.

     12 Months, 12 Deities to Honour

The Map of Shrines of the Scota Goddess Temple

In this Map you will find places related to each of the Calendar Deities. These places are directly the Home of the Deity or places where they had devotees. Each of these places is a door to the deities, places where we can connect with them.

As personal devotional work you can visit each of these places monthly and make a votive offering or do it in a group when the Temple begins to organize the pilgrimages. Here the locations:

  • JANUARY - Clota Shrine in Dumbarton, Glasgow, and the River Clyde Valley in General.

  • FEBRUARY - Brigantia Shrine in Birrens Roman Fort. She is present around Dumfries and Galloway area, especially in high places.

  • MARCH - Aurea Dea/ Athfhinn Shrines, The 3 River Valley in Scotland. Avondale, South Lanarkshire, and Ben Avon in Cairngorms.

  • APRIL - Odin Shrines in Caithnessshire, Orkney, and Shetland Islands.

  • MAY - Belenos Shrine in Inveresk, outside Edinburgh.

  • JUNE - Nigra Dea shrines in River and Loch Lochy and River Findhorn Valley.

  • JULY - Manannam Mac Lir Shrines in the Isle of Iona, and the Rhins of Galloway.

  • AUGUST - Dea Caelestis Shrines in Antonine Wall in Bo'Ness.

  • SEPTEMBER - Cliodna Shrine in the Isle of Mull.

  • OCTOBER - Agrona Shrine in the River Ayr Valley. Some Landmarks along the Ayr River are Failford Gorge, Catrine Weir, and Ayr River Estuary.

  • NOVEMBER - Cailleach Shrines in Glen Lyon. Arran, Jura, Loch Lomond area, and Loch Ness.

  • DECEMBER - Frigga Shrines in Frigga's Buttress on the Island of Rum, Kintyre, and Arran. (The West of Scotland has a very Norse vibe in general).

There are other Deities and Spirits but this is just a starting point.

Goddess Community Scotland.
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