Welcome to the Goddess Community Scotland, We are a Charitable Organisation dedicated to promoting Equality, Integration, Visibility, and Understanding of Pagan Traditions, Goddess Spirituality, and Animistic Centered Practices in Scotland. 

The Goddess Community Scotland is a Full Member of SCVO (Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations) and a Registered Social Enterprise in Scotland.

You can support us by becoming

 a Member of The Community

The Aims and Objectives of the Community are to serve Paganism and the Scottish Goddess Community to the very best of its ability by:

1) Providing accurate information on Paganism to government, non-governmental organizations, the media, academia, and the general public. Serve as a bridge to be able to approach Governmental bodies, to give a voice to the Goddess Spirituality Community when possible.

2) To seek to support all Pagans in their personal and public life, to help ensure that they have the same rights as the followers of other beliefs and members of other religions.

3) Providing services to the Pagan community in Scotland including, but not limited to, providing a body of Celebrants and Priestesses/Priests to perform life rituals such as marriage, handfasting, naming, and funeral ceremonies; and support, advice, and pastoral care for Pagans.

4) Helping to build community through the development of different Events, groups, and networks across Scotland and local levels but also International ones, to connect with the broad Pagan Community outside of Scotland, European-based Pagans,  and Pagan Peoples World-wide.

5) Serve the Mysteries and the Divinity in any of its forms and manifestations by Promoting respect for Mother Earth and her living creatures through different means, like events related to ecology, Talks, etc.

The inspiration of creating this Community has emerged with the intention of helping each individual to strengthen their connection with the primordial force that is the Goddess in all her manifestations, throughout the different cycles and with our own Devotional Calendar and Celebrations. 

For those who feel a call to contribute to the Community, you can apply to become a Shrine Keeper within the Scottish Territory. 

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Did you know?

That the our Community Coordinated in 2020 the Scottish Pagan Federation "Visions of Magick" Online Conference...

It was hard work but the SPF had no experience with online events of that caliber and we did, so we accepted the challenge and got on with work in a record time. The Conference was a great success! And the Magazine that we edited as an extra to complement the Conference was downloaded by thousands of people and will shortly be available as part of the Online Catalog of the National Library of Scotland.

If you want to access the Conference and Magazine, follow the link below to Events Section.

We have a New Newsletter...

Yes! We have a Newsletter that you will be able to enjoy the Solstices and Equinoxes from any device in your own email and from anywhere in the world! 

If you want to receive the Goddess Community Scotland Newsletter just subscribe to the mailing list!


That We have a Blog?

We have a blog where you will find texts related to the Path of the Priestess of the Goddess (some of them excerpts from my book in preparation: The Invisible Sandals, as well as small Devotional or Literary Texts.

In our blog you will also find the Songs that we are creating for our Project of Songs Around the Wheel of the Year.

That we now have different Memberships to join the Community and help us to find a Physical Place in the Future?...

The Goddes Community Scotland now has different types of Membership, for those people who want to help support our efforts towards our goal of having a Physical Temple and share with us more closely through activities and exclusive material for Members, thanks to the Substack Platform. 

Plus you know you are supporting a beautiful Project here in Scotland. 

The Dea Caelestis Membership also Helps Single Mums in Scotland to be able to attend Events and Workshops organized by us in the future. 

For more information, visit the Membership Section Here

That we organise Open Offering Gatherings and Picnics...

We organize several open activities, when possible, trying to be family-friendly, since we understand how difficult it is to be able to attend events when we are parents and have little ones with us. 

Many pagans are excluded from celebrations due to their parental status and it is not always easy to find someone to help you with your little ones or there is childcare available. For this reason, the Goddess Community Scotland organizes Picnics in the open air (when weather and circumstances allow us) in places where we can go with our little ones.

In addition, since 2019 we organize Meet Ups in closed private places or child friendly to facilitate access precisely to parents who have to come with their children if they wish to attend. 

Go to Events for Future Dates. 

You can support the Goddess Community Scotland

You can help us to meet in Scotland and worship the Goddess. If you can donate something for this purpose, even a little is welcome. 

This Web, Logo of the GCS and Text are Property of Ness Bosch.

Images used are Creative Commons and Free to use. 

Goddess Community Scotland.
All rights reserved 2020
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